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This feast, although not as impressive as Easter, is nevertheless an excellent time to prepare ourselves, not just for the Original carolina Sport team Carolina Hornets Panthers Charlotte Fc Tar Heels and Hurricanes shirt of Our Saviour into the world, the first time, but we are to prepare for His Second Coming, which will arrive as unfailingly as the first one did. Most of us will not be on earth when He comes again, but we will nevertheless experience all of this in our very own end of this world, when we die, and must stand before the judgment seat of Christ and answer for our lives. So we prepare for that dread event NOW, by, above all, going to confession weekly. If you do not already do this, now is an excellent time to start, This coming Sunday – 1 December- is the start of a new year! So begin this week to prepare for the coming of our Saviour!


Do it because it sucks putting up Christmas decorations. It sucks putting up the tree, untangling all the lights, getting all that crap out of NCAA Oklahoma Sooners Hawaiian Shirt Star Pattern Beach Gift For Him storage and tossing around with meaningless baubles like each placement is life-or-death perfectionist fun. And we want to get the most out of that effort. Depending on how many “helpers” I have, it can take one to four hours just putting up the tree. (It’s frealistic, over two metres tall, and has individual coded branches.) The more helpers, the longer it takes. And it’s hot where we live. By the end I’m peed off, drenched, covered in sweat, and I haven’t even done the lights yet. Which are tangled to f*&#. Then the kids pull out all the decorations and place them random patchy over the lower sections of the tree, despite encouragement to maybe spread them around (and make it look goodish). So I wait for them to go to school the next day and redo all the decorations. It’s basically a couple days work for all the Chrissy dex.

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