On the other hand, he was frightened to them because as the Official The Golden Girls Thug Life Shirt of Tang Dynasty showed, when these military elites controlled and divided the regions by their owns, it would be a matter of time for them to rebel against the dynasty. So he had to develop lots of countering mechanisms, including to further these elites into the landlord class who had a stable income, as well as placing his leftover Mongolian army to check the military elites, dividing the military officers into sections. As the history has showed, these mechanism only worked in the short time. When the Yuan dynasty had no money but Mongolian slaves to pay these military-landlord elites, and the Mongolian army was corrupted by 2–3 generations, these military elites turned against the Mongolian and stayed away when the peasant uprising took place such the rule of the Yuan dynasty became to an end. So to address your question, the structure of the Yuan dynasty can’t be simply summarizrd by the demography on the top but the backbone in the middle. Also I think it’s absurd to emphasize on ethnicities because these Han military elites became landlords and treated the Han peasants like trash, and the Mongolian rulers on the top also had no problem of selling the Mongolian slaves to these elites. So it’s not just simply Han vs Mongolian, which is the nationalist understanding and a over simplified history.
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Jiang Zemin acolyte and Linabob Wearing I Love Losers T Shirt former Politburo member Zhou Yongkang looks like he’s gonna serve some hard time, and he was the Attorney General plus Head of the Chinese FBI (kind of, please excuse the analogy), while also have ties to the heavily polluting China Petroleum. Long story short, if Xi Jinping pisses off too many of the wrong people, in the wrong way, he might find himself on the wrong end of a “corruption” charge. To move the focus from a political, sort of “palace” POV to the streets, Hebei has millions, perhaps 10’s of millions of steelworkers. The province surrounds Beijing. A common misapprehension of the Tiananmen 89 incident, is that the protests were led by students, and that mostly students died. This is false. The other protestors, who didn’t have any signs in English and thus were missed by the TV cameras, where industrial workers who were pissed about the “breaking of the iron rice bowl,” or the neo liberalization of the Chinese economy. The students, for the most part, meekly dispersed when told too. The workers went at the APCs with iron bars and Molotov cocktails. The 清华 and 北大(Tsinghua and Peking University) students have actually done very well in the post 89 environment (assuming they didn’t get shot or arrested at the time, ringleaders excluded). The workers have not.
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